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Class Information and Application

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Class Applications are closed for the 2024-2025 academic year. Applications for the 2025-26 academic year will be available in January 2025.
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Prerequisites and Course Details

Prerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing in engineering or technology
Course (2 semesters): Fall (1 credit) and Winter (2 credits): 3-5 pm Tuesday and Thursday. Typically counts for technical elective in major but you should check with your advisor.
Study Abroad (3 weeks): Implementation trip for 3 weeks following April graduation. Cost varies but is typically around $2500-3000 after college scholarship.
Commitment: Attend both semesters and commitment to participate in study abroad

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Course Purpose and Learning Objectives

This class offers the opportunity for engineers to work on global problems, researching not only technical but economical and socio-cultural issues.  Students have the opportunity to work on teams with engineers from different disciplines.  Each student will learn that out in the real world, boundaries between engineering disciplines fade and all engineers at the simplest levels are problem solvers, each contributing a unique viewpoint or technical background to solve the problem at hand.

  • Problem Solving - Gain experience in the design process that includes innovative problem solving skills applied to the design and implementation of global projects in developing regions of the world in the context of real needs, constraints, and opportunities.
  • Global Engineering- Demonstrate an appreciation for global aspects of engineering, including social and technical constraints related to design and the importance of sustainability.
  • Teamwork and Leadership - Demonstrate effective teamwork and leadership skills and an appreciation for other disciplines both within and outside of engineering as they work together on interdisciplinary teams.
  • Communication - Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in the reporting of work, particularly to entities or individuals in countries in which projects are implemented.
  • Social Innovation - Gain experience in how to be involved in social innovation as they progress through their careers.